Grow up kid!! Therez more to life...

I strongly believe in the term " Survival Instinct" now. I donno from where does it originate as per science and theories floating around, but my experience says it is somewhere within me, within you...Infact, within all of us. Its like that dormant volcano thing we read in the school geography books which comes into action under the mysterious of circumstances. You ask me when I discovered my Survival Instincts. I would say the faintest I remember is when I fought back being kidnapped at the New Delhi Platform, I was in Class 5. I was this nervous kid suffering from a great deal of inferiority complex(thanks to the weirdest of experiences I have had in my childhood) and for someone like me to fight back was quiet an achievement. All I remember is I bit that guy hard on his hand until he bled to release myself from his tight hold. I escaped. :) and sooner I realised ahum! Gal, u can survive... :) This was just a beginning and there have been many instances where SI came in picture and went away. I am a person who believes in appreciation of small as well big achievements coz dad once told me that no achievement is big or small : an achievement is an achievement and it shud be celebrated. I have celebrated my first lonesome trip to delhi when I lost my way to North Campus, I almost cried out of panic and then I was like lets go and lets see!! I almost saw all parts of delhi that day and finally made it to college though 4 hours late. ;) Credit goes to SI again, it came from nowhere and pushed me to go ahead and explore with confidence.I came back home and told my dad about how I lost my way and blah blah, expecting some sympathy for the poor soul that I was. I was shocked when he told me, "That calls for a glass of lassi, today you learnt there are 4 other ways too to reach your college than the one you already know of". I was so angry about that, I was like Lassi!! Grrr....Gimme something I can bang my head on...he he...I did not realise what he tried to say and when I look back to several such incidents I feel how rightful he has been in making me learn the way he has, coz if it was not for him I wud not be the person I am today( I mean you guys already know of my HK escapades and more of such incidents where I stood ground for myself). There have been many more such big and small achievements where I discovered and re-discovered myself and that makes me feel special.. :) So when people come to me and say they think they are failures, life is screwing them bad...etc. I tell them everyone of us is special. I mean if I had lost my way that day, I would not have gained confidence to travel alone and explore..Isnt it?? That made me special as I can do what almost 50% of women in India cant do even now. Makes you wonder how can I say that? You just need to catch up with the papers and you will know there exists a world beyond IT,the 21st century woman and dipping economy, where a woman is still scared to gather courage to do what she wants to do. So why do we spend time, self-analyzing and finding faults in us and in life...Why dont we just say? Life is trying to be funny instead of saying it is screwing me bad and laugh it off!! Trust is trying to be funny with me these bhai is nt was hospitalised for chest had a car run over my right dog was hospitalised few weeks back...i m on bed right now nursing a muscle-pull in my boss told me she gives a damn about my personal life no matter how hard I worked for the organization....and what am I doing?? he he ...I am planning the menu for lunch...coz I am not God and well God has no plans to hand over his responsibilities to me in near future :)I know I am far better than the women who cannot even utter a word they want to and better than the baby girls that are drowned at birth to avoid social-discrimination by the family. I always tell myself, my parents gave me this life to make the most of it...So why not let my Survival Instincts take over and lets face the world as who I am and shine through. So the next time, I meet someone who has a lot to crib about life, I would say...Grow up kid!! therez more to life than you see... The other best alternative is what I usually do to Dear God, everytime he makes me fall, I just get up and look up at the sky...and say, "well how do you plan to pay for this??"... he he. Coz I believe he makes up for what he takes most of the hard work is done by him not everytime he kicks me hard, he knows I am gonna bug him badly till he get it all right on the as dad says, " Tension leney ka nahi, deney ka"... P.S. Aloo-Matar on the menu...any takers?? ;)

3 comments: May 17, 2008 at 2:44 PM  

Aloo-Mutter, will try some time during my Noida stay ;)
agree with the 'God make up' fact in life but sometime i feel its all ur planning and hard work which is giving results. quite complex to understand so i just say "Thanks my dearo God Ji for everything"

Take good care of yourself & everybody at home. I believe IBM claim a lot about their employee friendly policies specially for girls.So whats your boss up to?

Aevi May 20, 2008 at 4:13 AM  

"well how do you plan to pay for this??" haha

but i totally agree to the SI that you mentioned everywhere. But i'd like to say something, when i look back we think twas d SI that we fought back and survived but all the time while in shit we never have it in our mind that its the SI that is keepin us alive we just want to escape from it.

Welcome back to bloggin n get well soon :)

SOCH... April 26, 2011 at 11:28 PM  

SI.. that is d only thing on which i survive... being a laid back person, i do wait for my deadlines to start working... :P

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