Jab We Met :)

Just to start with, probably after a long time I am going to write something positive about men. Ahum! before someone blames me, they hardly give me a chance to write good things about them. So for a change this post is not going to be based around Men and you know how bad they can get...ha ha.. During the jittery UNFAIR INDIA experience,When I was told that flight was late, I did not know where to go and what to do, I had exhausted all my HK dollars and thankfully did not want to get back to the hotel travelling for 2 hrs and come back again. While I was making my frequent trips to the AI counter from the waiting area I happened to exchange a friendly smile with an athletic-built guy who had a great sense of humor.You ask me why? Well, when I was at the counter , the desk manager told him that the flight is some 8 hours late or so and he very calmly said, "Ah! where is it coming from? Space?" haha... I still remember this, afterall that was the only thing about AI that made me smile. I hung around and then accompanying him was our own Punjabi Mr. Ranbir Singh ( To make things easy, I am going to refer to Mr Singh as Mr. S and the funny guy as Mr. A and ofcourse we have another interesting character to this story Mr. J). Mr. S, A and J were standing together when I was making these trips to AI counter in vain. We shared ocassional smiles( I was pathetically irritated with the jokes life comes up with but atleast I cud smile). Sooner we exchanged greetings and they extended a helping hand without even giving me the pain or embarassment to ask them. That was the last thing I expected after meeting the Saudi uncleji who made my life miserable in the bus. These 3 guys were pure gentlemen with ample of chivalry, I was surprised and muttered to god ," Hey! are u trying to be good to me??, its not by bday anyway". They stuck together along with me to make sure I have a seat near them and that I am safe,secure and all-smiling. Lets talk about them: Mr. S is a retired Air-Force personnel, you bet and a senior pilot with a leading domestic airlines. Meeting him was a pleasure. He came across as a warm person who has immense respect for not only women but fellow-men. I could see an anxious dad in him, a passionate defence-person, a thorough-gentleman and a full-of-life punjabi. I really liked the way he answered when I asked him, " Aren't you bored of flying a passenger carried every other day?", he said that what matters is the attitude, there is a thrill in flying to the same route too, you may never know when an adevnture awaits you.Well!! I like that...he is a great guy...coz with that kinda attitude you can go thru anything in life wearing a smile...we discussed fighter jets,passenger carrier,challenges, life and a lot many things. I liked the way he presented his point that not all jobs are meant for women, that too in front of a feminist like me...he he...but the clauses he gave in support of his belief in the same can ofcourse never be denied. Mr. S, I agree. The best thing about him was that he never believed in sticking to HIS opinion, HIS stance and he gave room for all of us to speak our mind about our respective professions and he was really patient. His daughters are really lukcy to have a father like him. It was great to meet him let it be for 15 hours or so... When it somes to Mr. A, he came across as a man of attitude,style and aggression when I first spoke with him. Later I got to know, he has been with the merchant navvy for 14 years or so and has been flying passenger carriers alongwith Mr. S. This man was charming ( well the desk managers were smiling at him all the time) and had really good conversing skills. He was chatty and most of the time I was in conversation with either Mr. S or Mr. A. Now, Mr. A spoke at length about almost everything and well he strongly believes that he is good at making frenz, Yeah! I agree. He was really helpful to an American Guy who came to us asking for details about India and how to manage his travel to Jalandhar. He patiently answered his queries and jokingly explained to him the most important things he needed to know. This man looks gud, talks gud and has a great heart too, you know why, coz no matter where he is, his heart lies with his family...he adores his daughter and I still remember the sparkle in his eyes when he said, "oh! my wife is gorgeous". He showed me their pics and let me tell you he is a proud family guy. I really liked that, and anyways to win a woman over all you need is to be a family person :) I am floored with the patience,persona and sensitivity of this guy. I learnt a lot from him as I learnt from Mr. S. Mr. J was a quiet guy who just returned from his ship, he is with merchant navvy. He was almost in another world : dizzy,confused and calm. He spoke about his ship,wife ofcourse( he kept calling her evry hour to make sure she knows he is safe and fine) and about air-stewards. He was a great company coz when we all spoke at length, he was an avid listener or shud I say patient? Finally we got to board a Cathay Flight at 11:30 pm and ah! we had comfortable seats. But the fun had just started, the seats were at extreme end( I am allergic to these areas in planes). And well when we finally landed it took us sooo long to get down and later aha! lady luck was smiling at us, our bus did not come and we 6 were stranded as some runway was blocked...gr8 the bus came after a while and now what, at the immigration some 300 Indian soldiers were in the queue........I love my life!! Mr A and J decided to get freshen up and they left for men's room...it tuk them a while and they came up smiling..and why? well they were caught smoking in the loo and had to pay the fine..What a day it was....ha ha... We bid goodbye once we got our luggage...but let me mention... I am gonna rememebr these people for the rest of my life...reason may be not being that they stood by me when I was stranded but coz they really are men of attitude and character, and I loved meeting all three of them..I have learnt a lot after having long chats with them and I am sure they'll do really good in their respective careers. Wish them loads of luck and here ends my journey when I wave to my kid bro and ask him to help me with luggage at the gate as I was holding dad's scotch ka quota in one hand.. :) This trip was truly a memorable one...Hats off to these Men!! Thanks guys........


Aevi April 17, 2008 at 9:44 AM  

positive about men... this first line caught my attention. finally a relief lolzz... all of a sudden there is a ray of light assuring me that views might change. wat i love in ur blogs is a flow of a story... they are so naive yet true.


SOCH... April 26, 2011 at 10:49 PM  

There are good men... You can't underestimate our category... hope u meet more men like these, so that u can write more positive posts about men.. :-)
God Bless...

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