And it did not end there...

It is so ironical that at the time when I was reading up Chetan Bhagat's "Three Mistakes of My life", Ahmedabad was burning. There were another series of blasts (almost 17) in the city and they even blew up Civil Hospital where victims were treated. :( I said 'ironical' coz the book I read was also about a story based in Ahmedabad and how the city survived an earthquake and a dark day in the history of the city when Hindu-Muslims burnt each other to death during Godhra Incident. It is about three friends : Govind, Ish and Omi ; their small but ambitious business of a sports' shop and how were they affected each time Gujarat went thru a low. It also talks about the communal riots in the year 2002 that left the whole nation feeling ashamed of the inumanity people showed towards each other. When I was going thru the turbulences that Govind and his frenz went thru while saving a muslim boy Ali, the city was actually going thru the worst in the present time 26th July 2008. There were almost 17 blasts reported that injured 200 people to be approximate and killed some 40 people. If Bangalore was not enuff!! I feel so insecure and suffocated and at times guilty for not being able to do anything to save these people. The book clearly reflects how fury can make one kill in the name of religion and it does not matter even if the person at the receiving end is a small kid who is unaware tht he is hanging around with people whose relatives murdered his family out of rage. When I picked up the book, I cursed myself for choosing it over the romances as it started on a depressing note. But sooner I realised I cud not leave it before I finish reading it so I finished in straight 3 hours.(I have some reading speed, I tell u). The story that started started on a sad note tuk me thru a journey filled of emotions,courage,submission,religional-violence,selfish and crude politics, humantiy and the essence of love which is still alive somewhere inside all of us. The courage that a strict HINDU priest's son showed when he gave up his life fighting to save a MUSLIM kid is touching yet inspiring. It made me feel no matter what We, the people don't intend to avenge ourselves by killing others. It is only the seeds of revenge and violence that are bred inside us by some political parties feeding their own self-interests and fake egos, that make people feel indifferent towards other on the basis of something as sacred as religion. The book is a must read for every Indian and ofcourse for everyone else too as it makes one realize, there is till some amount of humanity left in there. They say everything rests on hope and I hope day the sun will shine again, someday a rainbow will appear...there will be some silver lining somewhere...!! With this note, I end my post today and well, its already too late and I have not slept. FYI, the fever came back again. Although, latest is Mom mademe switch to soups and boiled veggies for the time-being as she feels my intestines need loads of rest. They do and what about my mind...grrrrr.... I knw I can feed myself up some Mills n Boons stuff and feel a lil better but what about those who lost their loved ones? :( For the book-related info : For more on the communal riots visit : P.S. Sadly, for two consecutive days my posts are only centred around blasts. :(


Aevi July 29, 2008 at 5:05 AM  

do u think tht they have been blastin it in BJP constituencies Jaipur, Ahemdabad, B'lore

forget watever it be i am really disappointed and worried about our future. may things get better soon...!!! Amen

Sinner July 29, 2008 at 9:06 AM  

Hey! seems me n u r thinking on the same lines...Yesterday only I was telling Mom the same thing that surprisingly all the state govts for these cities are BJP-led.

I wonder if this is a straight attack on Hinduism-preachers...I am not sure though...

Lets hope all gets better soon...

Gaurav Kant Goel July 29, 2008 at 2:34 PM  


Somehow, I have started to feel that terrorism do has a religion..


zirelda July 30, 2008 at 3:58 AM  

I don't understand how anyone can kill in the name of religion but then I look back to the inquisition period.... still doesn't make any sense.

I don't know. I have no knowledge in this area. Nothing that can help anything. August 6, 2008 at 7:15 PM  

for the first time i have seen a blast site. 5 blast sites were near my office in Bangalore. It was scary and horrifying!! Fortunately, they are low intensity blast but the second day i realize that its was just a practice for the bigger one in Ahemdabad:(

Don't where will it stop?
and regarding the book, i have read it few days back. Nice Book!! Made you think!! But nothing great about the book with literature point of view ;) its like reading a bollywood story with dialogues :D

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